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School Closure Home Learning


Teachers have put some relevant and appropriate home learning tasks onto the school website.

You may also wish to look in the Homework Policy and the Calculation Policy in Parent Zone where there are year group specific guidelines.

We understand that it may not be possible for all parents to complete these activities as well as their own home working arrangements, so these are purely optional.

Useful Websites for all ages

The Learning At Home website has been designed to support you and your child with the challenges of home learning whilst our schools are closed.

We’ve had to rethink our plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Jersey being liberated from Occupation at the end of World War Two, due to the current circumstances. But Jersey Heritage have still got plenty of ways to help you mark this momentous time in Jersey’s history.

The Harry Potter at Home Hub has lots of activities for Harry Potter fans to do and even has celebrities reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone!

Fun stuff to do and learn every day from BBC Bitesize:

Read Write Inc phonics: a great way for early readers to keep up with their phonics

Oxford Owl free ebooks library: these are the reading books we use with our early readers in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1:

Touch typing: An excellent programme with videos to help children develop the skill of touch typing

Go Wild Gorillas: Durrell have some creative activities and videos to explore – including the famous Go Wild Gorillas.

Jersey Zoo have also designed a range of activities to do at home (suitable for KS1 and KS2) that can be accessed through their Google Classroom: You will need to create/use a Google Account and then join their classroom using the code: 4kud27e and enter it in the + join class.

Creative Ideas: ​Decorate some hard-boiled eggs, to make them bright and colourful. You could use pens or paint and add some extra decorations, such as stickers, feathers, pom-poms or googly eyes.

Elevenses by David Walliams: there is a story time every day at 11am. You can catch up on previous stories on his website:

Learn a language: sign up for Rosetta Stone (3 months free – can be used on any device)

Home Learning Hub: a range of good quality activities that support most areas of the school curriculum for all ages

White Rose Maths: daily lessons and maths activities explained using strategies in line with the Maths No Problem approach we have adopted at St Lawrence

Reading Eggs – this brilliant resource is something we already use in year 2 and year 3. If your child is in year 1 or Reception, definitely think about using the 30 day free trial.


Useful websites parents may wish to use:

Optional art activity: Our Beautiful Island


Reading: Log onto the Oxford Owl website to find free ebooks and Literacy / Maths activities for your children.​

Phonics: Look at this website with lots of interactive phonics games and help your child to develop their blending skills.

Counting activities: Explore the Numberblocks and develop Maths skills.

Lots of great Numberblocks videos on YouTube as well!

Across the ​Early Years Curriculum: Use this range of activities, both indoors and outdoors, which cover all areas of the curriculum. Choose from areas you know will interest your children.

Early Years Home Learning Collection

Please note: Your child’s teacher can access any photos on the ‘Evidence’ section of your child’s online Learning Journals. All parents should have individual codes to access your child’s journals, so it would be good if you could upload evidence when you can.

Year 1


Practicing RWInc sounds and words

  • Practise the sounds you know. Write some ‘green words’ with these sounds and then practise reading these.
  • Use the KS1 RWI activity book for ideas about how to practise the sounds, the blends, the special friends and the speed sounds
  • Play bingo with words made from the sounds the children know.


  • Keep a diary – writing sentences . All sentences must start with a Capital letter, have fingers spaces and finish with a full stop (please ensure correct letter formation).
  • The children could extend their sentences with the conjunction ‘and’.
  • They could add some adjectives (e.g. the black, fluffy cat)
  • They could use time connectives (e.g. first, then, next finally)
  • Write a story based on a familiar fairy tale (The children wrote their own versions of the 3 little pigs, so may enjoy doing this)
  • You could download the ‘Book Creator’ App and children could make their own fiction and non fiction books​.
  • Write instructions about how to make a sandwich etc.
  • Write shopping lists
  • Practise Fred Talking words and writing them.
  • Practise spellings from the Jersey Curriculum Year 1 Statutory list (Common exception words)

Counting activities

Help the children with:

  • Addition and subtraction using single digit numbers
  • Revising number bonds to 10
  • Counting forwards and backwards in 1s to and from 100, starting at different places
  • Counting in 2’s
  • Counting in 5’s
  • Counting in 10’s
  • Identifying 2D shapes in their environment
  • Measuring length – identifying things that are longer/shorter than
  • Explore the Numberblocks and develop Maths skills.
  • Lots of great Numberblocks videos on YouTube as well!
  • Homework Grid

Year 2


  • Please read for 20 minutes three times a day. You can read the books you have at home or you could log onto the Oxford Owl website and try out the free ebooks https://www/
  • You can log into your Reading Eggs account and make progress through the Reading Eggspress section of the website
  • Use the KS1 RWI activity book to for ideas about how to practise the sounds, the blends, the special friends and the speed sounds
  • Draw your own pictures to go with the sounds, read them, play snap, make words , and make up memory games to help learn these words
  • Use the Bingo sheets for SSS2 which is in your RWInc pack.
  • Spelling- Practice your words from the Year 2 statutory list which is in your RWInc pack. The highlighted words are to learn to spell and the others are to learn to read.
  • Set 2 Phonics Tasks

Counting activities

  • Practice the 2, 5, 10 x time tables until you can remember all of them in any order really quickly.
  • You can access free full access to Times Tables Rock Stars (for multiplication and division) and free full access to NumBots (for addition, subtraction and number) bonds.
  • Practice counting up and back in 1,2,3,5,10s from any number.
  • Enjoy playing with all the games and activities on
  • Practice addition and subtraction to 100.
  • Practice the number bonds to 20.
  • Practice multiplication and division of 2,5, and 10.
  • Homework Grid


Year 3


  • Please read for 20 minutes three times a day. You can read the books you have at home or you could log onto the Oxford Owl website and try out the free ebooks
  • You can find some interesting activities if you select KS2 on the following website
  • You can log into your Reading Eggs account and make progress through the Reading Eggspress section of the website


  • To write a persuasive letter to Mr Charlesworth on why we should have a 3G (Astro turf) pitch at school.
  • To learn all the bronze spelling list in the back of spelling folder.


  • Practice the 3x 4x and 8x tables.
  • Practice the number bonds to 100 eg. 37 + __ = 100
  • You can access free full access to Times Tables Rock Stars (for multiplication and division) and free full access to NumBots (for addition, subtraction and number) bonds.

Project work

This half term we will be sailing back to the Dark Ages where battles were rife and fear reigned. We will find out about the life of the Saxons, including how they lived and where they came from. We will also look at the bloodthirsty Vikings from Scandinavia – where never before had such terror swept the land! For this half term I would like you to choose an activity/activities you’ve not done before and hand it in on the dates below. I just want to say how thrilled I have been will the level of homework that’s already been handed in this year!

Mandatory Activities: (choose at least one) hand in date is 7th May

  • Make a model of a Viking longhouse. Think about the features (the fire in the middle, a thatched roof, benches with animal skins) and try to create a miniature version.
  • Imagine you are a Viking skald or poet. Create a poem to sing the praises of a friend or family member
  • Look at images of Anglo-Saxon coins. Can you design a coin? You could draw a picture or use modelling clay or other materials to make your coin look like metal – use your imagination!

Optional Activities

  • Design a Viking board game!
  • Research the Viking Gods
  • Write a short Viking play
  • Identify locations of Viking settlements using a map
  • Try making Anglo-Saxon bread or Viking flatbread (search online for recipes)
  • Do some research about Viking names and their meanings, and make up some suitable Viking names for your friends and family. Remember to describe something about each person’s appearance or characteristics.

Please ensure your child writes a detailed comment about the activity to show that they have interacted with the task.

Year 4




  • Practice running stitch and blanket stitch – design a Roman purse that can hold at least 10 coins.
  • Practice Boudicca song
  • The Occupation of Jersey: When were we occupied? Why were we occupied? How did the lives of islanders change?


  • Set up two beakers of water and mark where the water level comes to (or measure out
    a specific amount of water e.g. 300ml) for each one. Leave one in a warm place e.g. next to/above a radiator and one in a cooler place. What do you think will happen to this water if we just leave it? Invite
    children to share their ideas.
  • Children to plan the experiment, stating how they will make it a fair test (same amount of water in each, same surface areas, etc.) and what they predict will happen.
  • Every day, measure how much water has evaporated until each beaker of water has evaporated
    completely. Children to mark the results every day. What happened to the water? Did both samples evaporate at the same rate? If not, why do you think this was?
  • What is the water cycle? Draw a​ diagram of the water cycle to show in your own words how it works. You must include- evaporation, condensation, precipitation.


Project work

  • Make a research project book, including information about Roman Gods and Goddesses, Roman numerals and Roman inventions

Year 5




Project work

  • Make a Jersey Liberation Day Mini Project book by researching​ when and how Jersey was liberated. Plan how this can be presented in a creative way to your class (maybe you could make wartime posters, a diary entry (recount) or a newspaper front page)

Year 6



  • Practice Key Stage 2 SATs Papers for Grammar Punctuation and Spelling. 2017 and 2018 (available online)
  • Practice Key Stage 2 Reading SATs papers for 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013 (available online)
  • The marking Scheme is also available.

Grammar and Punctuation

  • All of the children have a log on for IXL and should complete as much of the work as possible in the Y6 English section


  • Please use the project work below for writing
  • We have worked on nonfiction this term and chronological reports last term


  • There are lots of free SATs papers online. Please start by doing all three papers for 2017 and 2018
  • Marking Scheme is also online (see below)
  • All of the children have a log on for IXL and should complete as much of the work as possible in the Y6 Maths section

Project Work – Blood Heart

  • Complete all coursework which is already set. The experiment needs to set up and completed
  • Use second sheet only when first lot of coursework is finished


  • Retell a Hindu story – these can be found on Youtube
  • Create your own Hindu god – draw, colour and write a paragraph detailing why people might worship them


  • Research a famous Jersey person and create an information page which includes images, paragraphs of writing, a few bullet points and tells the reader exactly what they were famous for and why
  • Use the non-chronological report formula



  • Sheppard software is free and has lots of interactive games in various subjects
  • Some Woodlands Maths and Literacy Sites are still working but that depends on the device

Oswego Maths

  • BBC Class Clips – various subjects – these are informative videos